Pierre Lauwers was born in 1964. He currently lives in São Paulo.
Since the beginning of the 1990s, Pierre Lauwers uses a variety of media—photography, silkscreen, painting, installation, etc.—to explore the intersections of art and science imagery. His interest in the way that scientists illustrate their theories and observations have led him to produce truly experimental works, be it the representation of the laws of physics applied to ping-pong balls or the limits of viscosity by mimicking the ninety year-long “Pitch drop experiment”.
The artworks that result from his visual investigations are characterized by an abstract and mesmerizing aesthetic, which can be seen as a playful continuation of Minimalism. While his appearances in the art world remain scarce, Pierre Lauwers has continued to develop a unique and fascinating body of work.
His notable shows include Entre um passo e outro, Galeria Edouardo Fernandes, São Paulo, 2017; A Lua, Rossi Contemporary Gallery, Brussels, 2012; à la galerie, au manège, Institut Saint-Luc, Liège, 2011; Pierre Lauwers, (SIC), Brussels, 2010; Fictions-Fiktionnen, Kunstraum B2, Leipzig, 2000.